Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today I got acknowledgement of achievement from 5 Directors - 12 months after the work commenced... Ace. Celebrated by breaking lent with a bottle of fizz. I so rarely note my successes! No foto! Imagine - daughter on one side, father on other of table at local pub restaurant. 2 hours, talk and laughter - Dad telling daughter wot to do and ditto daughter telling Dad. family bliss

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rain! At last!

The first rain we've had since January 29th.

Am I the only Brit who has ever got excited about rain? I think I've been away too long...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reconnected to Friends Across the Miles

Following some bright ideas of Squirrel, Amo is now reconnected to her blog(s)!
Time to haul out the camera and get posting sooo much has happened in this year!

27th March - Simpsons on the Strand - Dad shows off his carving skills and cuts masses of beef and lamb for Mum, Amo, Bro and new girlfriend!